Teething in Children: Tips for Happy Gums and Babies


Teething is an inevitable part of childhood that marks the growth of your baby’s first set of teeth. This period can be trying for both infants and parents, as it often includes gum soreness, drooling, and a fair amount of crying. However, with a little knowledge and a lot of love, navigating the teething terrain can be made smoother.

Spotting the Signs of Teething

  • Teething usually kicks off around the 6-month mark, though it is not uncommon for it to start earlier or later.
  • Look out for signs like increased drooling, a desire to chew on solid objects, red and swollen gums, irritability, and changes in eating and sleeping patterns.
  • These indicators can help you pinpoint when your child is teething and provide timely relief.

Home Remedies for Teething Relief

Several home remedies can offer comfort to your teething child.

  • Cold spoons, chilled (not frozen) teething rings, or clean, damp cloths can be soothing for sore gums.
  • Encouraging the use of a pacifier or offering healthy teething snacks for older babies can also help.
  • It is important to monitor items for safety, ensuring they are not too hard or small enough to be a choking hazard.

Oral Care During Teething

Good oral hygiene is crucial from the start.

  • Before teeth appear, clean your baby’s gums with a soft cloth or a silicone finger brush.
  • As teeth emerge, use a soft, infant-sized toothbrush with water and a tiny dab of fluoride toothpaste to brush gently.
  • This not only keeps the teeth clean but also habituates your child to regular oral care routines.

When to Consult a Pediatrician

  • If teething seems to cause extreme discomfort or is accompanied by high fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, it is time to consult a pediatrician.
  • These symptoms are not typical of teething and could indicate a more serious condition that needs medical attention.

Teething is a rite of passage for every child and a challenge for every parent. Armed with the right knowledge and tools for soothing discomfort, you can help your baby through this period with love and care. Remember, every baby’s experience with teething is different, so staying flexible and patient is key to ensuring both you and your baby remain happy and healthy through the teething process.
